Rubber Price - Domestic Market

Agartala Market Rubber Price

Date Category Price INR Prev Price Price Change Price USD Prev Price USD Unit
2025-01-21 RSS4 ₹18,300.00 ₹18,300.00 ₹0.00 US$211.55 US$211.35 100KG
2025-01-21 RSS5 ₹18,100.00 ₹18,100.00 ₹0.00 US$209.20 US$209.05 100KG

Kochi Market Rubber Price

Date Category Price INR Prev Price Price Change Price USD Prev Price USD Unit
2025-01-21 RSS4 ₹19,100.00 ₹19,100.00 ₹0.00 US$220.75 US$220.75 100KG
2025-01-21 RSS5 ₹18,700.00 ₹18,700.00 ₹0.00 US$216.15 US$216.15 100KG

Kottayam Market Rubber Price

Date Category Price INR Prev Price Price Change Price USD Prev Price USD Unit
2025-01-21 ISNR20 ₹18,000.00 ₹18,000.00 ₹0.00 US$208.05 US$207.90 100KG
2025-01-21 Latex(60%) ₹14,055.00 ₹14,055.00 ₹0.00 US$162.45 US$162.35 100KG
2025-01-21 RSS4 ₹19,100.00 ₹19,200.00 ₹-100.00 US$220.75 US$221.75 100KG
2025-01-21 RSS5 ₹18,700.00 ₹18,800.00 ₹-100.00 US$216.15 US$217.15 100KG

Today's Domestic Rubber Market Report


The price of rubber RSS4 at the Agartala market today stood at 18,300.00 per 100 kg, which is the same as the previous day's price. The previous trading day's price was 18,300.00 per 100 kg. The price of rubber RSS5 at the Agartala market today stood at 18,100.00 per 100 kg, which is the same as the previous day's price. The previous trading day's price was 18,100.00 per 100 kg.


The price of rubber RSS4 at the Kochi market today stood at 19,100.00 per 100 kg, which is the same as the previous day's price. The previous trading day's price was 19,100.00 per 100 kg. The price of rubber RSS5 at the Kochi market today stood at 18,700.00 per 100 kg, which is the same as the previous day's price. The previous trading day's price was 18,700.00 per 100 kg.


The price of rubber ISNR20 at the Kottayam market today stood at 18,000.00 per 100 kg, which is the same as the previous day's price. The previous trading day's price was 18,000.00 per 100 kg. The price of rubber Latex(60%) at the Kottayam market today stood at 14,055.00 per 100 kg, which is the same as the previous day's price. The previous trading day's price was 14,055.00 per 100 kg. The price of rubber RSS4 at the Kottayam market today stood at 19,100.00 per 100 kg, indicating a decrease of -100 (-0.52%) from the previous day's price. The previous trading day's price was 19,200.00 per 100 kg. The price of rubber RSS5 at the Kottayam market today stood at 18,700.00 per 100 kg, indicating a decrease of -100 (-0.53%) from the previous day's price. The previous trading day's price was 18,800.00 per 100 kg.

Rubber Price - International Market

Bangkok Market Rubber Price

Date Category Price INR Prev Price Price Change Price USD Prev Price USD Unit
2025-01-21 RSS1 ₹21,271.00 ₹21,553.00 ₹-282.00 US$245.80 US$248.90 100KG
2025-01-21 RSS2 ₹21,119.00 ₹21,402.00 ₹-283.00 US$244.00 US$247.20 100KG
2025-01-21 RSS3 ₹20,981.00 ₹21,264.00 ₹-283.00 US$242.40 US$245.60 100KG
2025-01-21 RSS4 ₹20,905.00 ₹21,188.00 ₹-283.00 US$241.50 US$244.70 100KG
2025-01-21 RSS5 ₹20,792.00 ₹21,075.00 ₹-283.00 US$240.20 US$243.40 100KG

Kuala Lumpur Market Rubber Price

Date Category Price INR Prev Price Price Change Price USD Prev Price USD Unit
2025-01-21 Latex(60%) ₹13,245.00 ₹13,129.00 ₹116.00 US$153.00 US$151.60 100KG
2025-01-21 SMR20 ₹17,509.00 ₹17,183.00 ₹326.00 US$202.30 US$198.45 100KG

Today's International Rubber Market Report


Today, the price of rubber RSS1 at the Bangkok market was 21,271.00 per 100 kg, indicating a decrease of -282 (-1.31%) from the previous day's price. The previous trading day's price was 21,553.00 per 100 kg.The price of rubber RSS2 at the Bangkok market today was 21,119.00 per 100 kg, indicating a decrease of -283 (-1.32%) from the previous day's price. The previous trading day's price was 21,402.00 per 100 kg.The price of rubber RSS3 at the Bangkok market today was 20,981.00 per 100 kg, indicating a decrease of -283 (-1.33%) from the previous day's price. The previous trading day's price was 21,264.00 per 100 kg.The price of rubber RSS4 at the Bangkok market today was 20,905.00 per 100 kg, indicating a decrease of -283 (-1.34%) from the previous day's price. The previous trading day's price was 21,188.00 per 100 kg.The price of rubber RSS5 at the Bangkok market today was 20,792.00 per 100 kg, indicating a decrease of -283 (-1.34%) from the previous day's price. The previous trading day's price was 21,075.00 per 100 kg.

Kuala Lumpur

The price of rubber Latex(60%) at the Kuala Lumpur market today was 13,245.00 per 100 kg; it is a RS. 116 (0.88%) increase from the previous day's price. The previous trading day's price was 13,129.00 per 100 kg.The price of rubber SMR20 at the Kuala Lumpur market today was 17,509.00 per 100 kg; it is a RS. 326 (1.9%) increase from the previous day's price. The previous trading day's price was 17,183.00 per 100 kg.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is today's maximum price for 1kg RSS4 rubber in the domestic market?

The maximum price for 1kg RSS4 rubber is Rs 191 recorded at the Kottayam market.

What is today's maximum price for 1kg RSS5 rubber in the domestic market?

The maximum price for 1kg RSS5 rubber is Rs 187 recorded at the Kottayam market.

What is today's maximum price for 1kg ISNR20 rubber in the domestic market?

The maximum price for 1kg ISNR20 rubber is Rs 180 recorded at the Kottayam market.

What is today's maximum price for 1kg Latex(60%) rubber in the domestic market?

The maximum price for 1kg Latex(60%) rubber is Rs 140.55 recorded at the Kottayam market.

What is today's maximum price for 1kg RSS1 rubber in the international market?

The maximum price for 1kg RSS1 rubber is Rs 212.71 recorded in the Bangkok market.

What is today's maximum price for 1kg RSS2 rubber in the international market?

The maximum price for 1kg RSS2 rubber is Rs 211.19 recorded in the Bangkok market.

What is today's maximum price for 1kg RSS3 rubber in the international market?

The maximum price for 1kg RSS3 rubber is Rs 209.81 recorded in the Bangkok market.

What is today's maximum price for 1kg RSS4 rubber in the international market?

The maximum price for 1kg RSS4 rubber is Rs 209.05 recorded in the Bangkok market.

What is today's maximum price for 1kg RSS5 rubber in the international market?

The maximum price for 1kg RSS5 rubber is Rs 207.92 recorded in the Bangkok market.

What is today's maximum price for 1kg Latex(60%) rubber in the international market?

The maximum price for 1kg Latex(60%) rubber is Rs 132.45 recorded in the Kuala Lumpur market.

What is today's maximum price for 1kg SMR20 rubber in the international market?

The maximum price for 1kg SMR20 rubber is Rs 175.09 recorded in the Kuala Lumpur market.

Know the Rubber Varieties

Natural Rubber (NR) is produced from latex obtained from rubber trees in plantations. The most important forms in which NR is processed are the following: Sheets, Crepes, Block Rubber and Preserved Latex Concentrates.

Natural rubber (NR) processed into blocks adopting a new processing techniques is a notable improvement in the presentation of dry natural rubber. In India , block rubber is marketed with BIS specifications (IS4588 - 1986) and therefore, this rubber is termed as Indian Standard Natural Rubber (ISNR).

Two types of Sheet Rubber are produced and marketed in the international market, namely the Ribbed Smoked Sheets (RSS) and the Air Dried Sheets (ADS). Among these two types, Ribbed Smoked Sheet is the most popular and is available for consumption. There exist different grades of Ribbed Smoked Sheets rubber, namely RSS IX, RSS 1, RSS 2, RSS 3, RSS 4 and RSS 5.


Oxidized spots or streaks, weak, heated, undercured, over-smoked, opaque and burnt sheets are not permissible in this grade. The rubber must be dry, clean, strong, sound and evenly smoked, and free from blemishes, specks, resinous matter (rust), blisters, sand, dirty packing and any other foreign matter. Small pinhead bubbles, if scattered, will not be objected to.


Oxidized spots or streaks, weak, heated, under cured, over-smoked, opaque and burnt sheets are not permissible in this grade. The rubber must be dry, clean, strong, sound and evenly smoked, and free from blemishes, specks, resinous matter (rust), blisters, sand, dirty packing and any other foreign matter, except slight specks. Small pinhead bubbles, if scattered, will not be objected to.


Oxidized spots or streaks, weak, heated, undercured, over-smoked, opaque and burnt sheets are not permissible in this grade. The rubber must be dry, clean, strong, sound and free from blemishes, blisters, sand, dirty packing and all other foreign matter other than specified above as permissible.


Slight blemishes in color, small bubbles and small specks of bark permissible in this grade. Oxidized spots or streaks, weak, heated, under-cured, over-smoked, opaque and burnt sheets are not permissible in this grade. The rubber must be dry, clean, strong, sound and free from blemishes, blisters, sand, dirty packing and all other foreign matte r other than specified above as permissible.


Medium size bark particles, bubbles, translucent stains, slightly sticky and slightly over smoked rubber are permissible. Oxidized spots or streaks, weak, heated, under-cured, over-smoked, and burnt sheets are not permissible. The rubber must be dry, clean, strong, sound and free from blemishes, blisters, sand, dirty packing and all other foreign matter other than specified above as permissible.


Large bark particles, bubbles and small blisters, stains, over-smoked, slightly sticky rubber and blemishes are permissible. Slightly under-cured rubber is permissible. Weak, heated, burnt, oxidized spots or streaks are not permissible. The rubber must be dry, firm and free of blisters. Dirty packing, sand and all other foreign matter other than specified above is not permissible.

Air Dried Sheets

This is a light colored sheet prepared in the same way as ribbed smoked sheets but dried in a shed or tunnel using hot air instead of smoke. As color of the sheets is an important consideration, use of sodium bisulphate which inhibits enzymic discoloration and lightens the color is necessary. Usually a calculated volume of a solution of sodium bisulphate is added in the bulking tank so as to get 1.20 g of it in one kg of dry rubber. Air dried sheets can be used as substitutes for Pale Latex Crepe and hence this type of sheets may fetch a better price compared to smoked sheets.