Foxtail Millet(Navane) Price Today

According to current market rates, the highest price of Foxtail Millet(Navane) is ₹3,012.00 per quintal for the other variety recorded at the Kurnool mandi market. The lowest price of ₹1,500.00 per quintal was recorded at the Kurnool market in Andhra Pradesh for the Other variety. Today's average price is ₹2309 per quintal across varieties in mandi markets. We last updated the prices on Wednesday, February 12th, 2025, at 11:31 pm.

Market Price Summary
1 kg Price: ₹ 23.09
Quintal (100 kg) Price: ₹ 2,309.00
Ton (1000 kg) Price: ₹ 23,090.00
Average Market Price: ₹2,309.00/Quintal
Minimum Market Price: ₹1,500.00/Quintal
Maximum Market Price: ₹3,012.00/Quintal
Price Date: 2025-02-12
Previous Price: ₹2309/Quintal

Today's Foxtail Millet(Navane) price in mandi markets

Commodity Market District State 1KG Price 1Q Price 1Q Max - Min
Foxtail Millet(Navane) - Other Kurnool Kurnool Andhra Pradesh ₹23.09 ₹2,309.00 ₹3,012.00 - ₹1,500.00

State Wise Foxtail Millet(Navane) Prices

State 1 KG Price 1Q Price 1Q Prev Price
Andhra Pradesh ₹24.15 ₹2,414.50 ₹2,414.50
Karnataka ₹35.76 ₹3,576.47 ₹3,576.47
Nagaland ₹83.00 ₹8,300.00 ₹8,300.00

Cheapest Markets to Buy Foxtail Millet(Navane) - Low Price

Best Markets to Sell Foxtail Millet(Navane) - High Price

Foxtail Millet(Navane) Price Historical Charts

Foxtail Millet(Navane) Price - One Year Chart

One Year

Foxtail Millet(Navane) Price - One Month Chart

One Month

Frequently Asked Questions on Foxtail Millet(Navane) price

What is the highest market price of Foxtail Millet(Navane) today?

The highest price of Foxtail Millet(Navane) is 3,012.00 INR/Quintal at the Kurnool market in Andhra Pradesh for the Other variety.

What is the lowest market price of Foxtail Millet(Navane) today?

The lowest price of Foxtail Millet(Navane) is 1,500.00 INR/Quintal at the Kurnool market in Andhra Pradesh for the Other variety.

What is the average market price of Foxtail Millet(Navane) today?

The average price of Foxtail Millet(Navane) is 2,309.00 per Quintal.

What is the market price of Foxtail Millet(Navane) today for 1 Kg?

The market price of Foxtail Millet(Navane) today is Rs 23.09 for 1 Kg.