Current Zinc Prices

The given Zinc prices are compiled from pricing lists from various manufacturers and worldwide metal market data. Zinc prices are updated regularly and are solely for reference.

United States
Material Location Current Price Change Price Date Unit
Zinc New York 1.08 0.01 (0.93%) 2024-02-23 USD/lb
United Kingdom
Material Location Current Price Change Price Date Unit
Zinc National 2,642.45 0 (0%) 2024-02-23 USD/ton
Material Location Current Price Change Price Date Unit
Zinc Metal Tokyo 402.00 0 (0%) 2024-02-23 Yen/kg
Material Location Current Price Change Price Date Unit
Zinc Ingots Mumbai 217.00 0 (0%) 2024-02-23 INR/KG
Material Location Current Price Change Price Date Unit
Zinc new Berlin 1.75 0 (0%) 2024-02-23 Eur/kg
Zinc old Berlin 1.70 0 (0%) 2024-02-23 Eur/kg
Material Location Current Price Change Price Date Unit
Zinc National 2,175.00 14 (0.65%) 2024-02-23 EUR/Ton
Material Location Current Price Change Price Date Unit
#0 zinc ingots National 20,310.00 -180 (-0.88%) 2024-02-23 USD/MT
#1 zinc ingots National 20,230.00 -180 (-0.88%) 2024-02-23 USD/MT
0# Zinc National 20,320.00 -190 (-0.93%) 2024-02-23 USD/MT
1# Zinc National 20,250.00 -190 (-0.93%) 2024-02-23 USD/MT
6N High Purity Zinc National 3,050.00 0 (0%) 2024-02-23 USD/MT
7N Ultra-high Purity Zinc National 4,850.00 0 (0%) 2024-02-23 USD/MT
Zinc National 2,841.56 -9.76 (-0.34%) 2023-08-14 USD/MT
Zinc Ingot National 2,834.58 -11.16 (-0.39%) 2023-08-14 USD/MT